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Hire the top Graphic Designers from LatAm for 30-70% under US-market

LatamCent helps startups and larger companies find, interview, and hire great pre-vetted Graphic Designers from Latin America in 21 days or less.

LatamCent helps startups and larger companies find, interview, and hire great pre-vetted Graphic Designers from Latin America in 21 days or less.

Trusted by great businesses like:

Trusted by great businesses like: ZoomShift- latamcent
Trusted by great businesses like: Flexpoint - latamcent
Trusted by great businesses like: Mailshake - latamcent
Trusted by great businesses like: YipitData - latamcent
Trusted by great businesses like: YipitData - latamcent

There is a wealth of Graphic Designers talent in LatAm.

Tap into our pool of 33k+ candidates to hire top-tier Graphic Designers quickly and cost-effectively. Nearshore hiring enables startups and mid-market enterprises to reduce hiring expenses and drive innovation without compromising on talent. Assemble a high-performing Graphic Design team and outpace competitors, all while staying budget-conscious.

LatamCent can help you

LatamCent can help you

Save 30-70% on salaries. We offer lower-cost, motivated candidates.

Hire quickly — 10x Faster. Typically you can hire in under 21 days.

Our talented designers bring creativity and technical expertise to every project, ensuring your brand stands out with compelling visuals.

Save time with pre-vetted candidates. English speaking. Experienced with top-notch technologies.


LatamCent candidates are skillful professionals with excellent English proficiency and impressive work experience.

Junior Graphic Designer

Has 1-2 years of experience. Assists in creating visual content, using design software, and supporting design projects.

Mid-level Graphic Designer

Has 3-5 years of experience. Manages graphic design projects, collaborates with marketing teams, and produces high-quality visual content.

Senior Graphic Designer

Has 5+ years of experience. Possesses deep expertise in graphic design, contributes to design strategies, and leads design initiatives.

Lead Graphic Designer

Has 7+ years of experience in management roles. Oversees graphic design strategies, manages graphic design teams, and shapes design initiatives to meet organizational needs.

See a few of our 35k pre-vetted candidates

Discover the top 1% of talent in Latin America

Why hire through Latamcent?

Why LatAm?

“Graphic Designers“
Savings when hiring in
LatAm vs USA

Graphic Designers in Latin America offer a cost-effective solution for creating visually appealing and impactful designs. These professionals are skilled in using design software to produce high-quality graphics for various marketing materials. The financial savings from lower salaries in Latin America allow companies to invest more in design projects and tools. Latin American graphic designers bring a unique cultural perspective and creativity, which can enhance the originality and appeal of designs. Their ability to understand and convey brand messages through visuals ensures that marketing materials are engaging and effective.

savings when hiring inlatam_vs_usa - Latamcent