Top 1% of Talent

(19 Days, Average Time to Hire)

Build Your Fully Remote Nearshore Teams

Build Your Remote Nearshore Teams for 71% Less

LatamCent will help you recruit, hire and retain the top 1% of Latin American Talent.

LatamCent will help you recruit, hire and retain the top 1% of Latin American Talent.

Full Service Staffing & Recruiting for USA companies hiring Nearshore Teams.

Discover Your Dream Candidate in Latin America for Every Position
Recruiting in LATAM

We’ll recruit top talent in Latin America for you in less than 3 weeks

Hiring in LATAM

Our direct hiring solution will help you place top candidates inside your team within 3 weeks

Retaining Talent

We’ll help you navigate training, and retaining top talent in Latin America.

Plan, Recruit, Hire and Build your Nearshore Team

It all starts with a plan, we’ll guide you along the way.

Connecting Latin America with Opportunities

Looking for your next new adventure? Apply to be approved into the LatamCent network.

Nearshore teams for every function
Best solutions

Nearshore teams for every function

We find you the top 1% of talent in Latin America, our talent acquisition specialist will be your talent partner for GTM roles such as sales, customer success and customer service, and our IT talent partners have experience in Cloud, AI, Cybersecurity, Front End, Back End and nearly all IT roles. If we can’t fill it it we’ll be open about it.

  • EBITA improvement of 69%

  • Average Time to Hire [21 days]

  • Happiness Guarantee [60 days]

We can help you fill any open role!

With over 30 years of combined experience in recruiting LATAM talent, our recruiters and account managers will guide you through the entire process. Here are some examples of our top talent in Latin America.

Isabella B. - Latamcent
Isabella B.

Senior account executive

Diego O. - Latamcent
Diego O.

Sales Development Representative

Brian E. - Latamcent
Brian E.

Software engineer

Roberto T. - Latamcent
Roberto T.

Front End Dev

Anna S. - Latamcent
Anna S.

Product Designer

Samuel B. - Latamcent
Samuel B.

Customer Success

Our recruiters will find you the top 1% of talent. - Latamcent
Free to Interview

Custom Tailored Recruiting & Staffing Solutions

Our recruiters will find you the top 1% of talent.

With decades of experience hiring in LATAM we will bring the best talent forward, we meet diversity quotas, talent caliber, and all requirements for your hiring needs.

We source hundreds of candidates, interview dozens and select the absolute best for you to review. You wake up with qualified interviews on your calendar and pick the very best talent from Latin American to build your nearshore team.

100% of our clients have expanded their hiring agreements with LatamCent.

$9+ million

Saved in overhead costs in the past 12 months

“LatamCent helped us hire the top Account Executives, Sales Development Reps and Customer Success reps. Our Close Rate improved, demos increased and we reduced overhead costs by over 51%”.

Sujan Patel Latam Cent

Sujan Patel – Managing Partner at Ramp Ventures


Customers have utilized our services since 2023

“We engaged with LatamCent as a trial for our Customer Success Team, Then Sales, Then Engineering, they quickly became our our exclusive partner for hiring nearshore and we couldn’t be happier with the result.”

travis mariea

Travis Mariea – CEO of FlxPoint & Inventory Source


Placements Made

“We were blown away by the quality and caliber of the candidates that LatamCent brought us, their English is near perfect and skills are exemplary but the best part is the work ethic, it’s impossible to find this work ethic in the USA. We are only hiring in Latin America for now on.”

Richard Jeremy

Richard Jeremy